Sunday, 27 May 2012

On The TERA GAME Crystal Was Finished

On the role of crystal in TERA, you know how much. In addition to strengthening your role, strengthen the attack and damage, improve the defense.tera power leveling Crystal and this effect. Lancer will fit in disorder ( boss damage reduced by ( in ) and fearless by boss down will produce a shield) crystal to help bear replica tank role. But in the time to do the task can replace the. Like the calm and heaven so as to reduce anger monster damage and create a shield of the crystal will be more useful. Berserkers and Slayer is very good at using skills will the enemy down. For them the rough crystal can to defeat the enemy out more damage, and cruel crystal can ascend to fell the enemy attack strength. If a team is hurt, priests and mystics through the wisdom crystal provide mana, and in the single-player adventures could be converted into control ( on mobs damage ) and ( on the monster hunter damage increase ) crystal. Sorcerers and Archer will want to play more damage, so they need to focus on the skill mix. Carved crystal can improve their critical strike chance and focus on crystal against the wrath of monsters can play more crit damage. Want to know more about the strategy, want to know more information of the game. Please pay attention to our. We are TERA professional gaming platform. tera power level To share with you the game experience at the same time, can also help you to solve the difficulties and puzzles to upgrade weapons and equipment. We have a game leveling team, can provide you with safe, convenient, efficient, affordable service. Want to know more information please contact us.

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